Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer's here!

Well if you live in the northern hemisphere, at least, summer is starting. Here are a good few tips to remember for these hot months ahead:

  • Don't forget the sunscreen, and keep checking the UV level from your local weather forecast.
  • Whenever possible, wear a hat!
  •  If you're a woman and fear old age and wrinkles, then don't tan too much. It makes the skin old faster.
  • Vitamin D is only available through ingestion, or through a process that requires sunlight. So don't stay indoors all day, either.
  • Feeling like putting ice in a beverage but you don't like it diluting it to water? Then prepare some ice cubes made of the drink of your choice before hand!
  •  Even better, make alcoholic ice cubes and slip them into a friends drink for a prank (vodka is the best choice cos it's clear like water).
But whatever you do, don't be like these idiots:

Enjoy your summer, be safe, and if you're gonna do something stupid, PLEASE make sure someone films you so we can all laugh.

That is all from me, warmth makes me lazy - toodledoo!


  1. that video was hilarious, well done

  2. That was hilarious. My particular favourites are at 1.12 and 1.36. Hahaha.

  3. Oh god - THAT was a fail :D

  4. @ the Vitamin D thing; are you saying we photosynthesize?! :P

  5. Nice video, was really funny.

  6. Thx for the tips. But at the moment, it's raining buckets over here! :<

  7. The guy who jumps from the fence at the end made me cringe :/ I love the fat person in the pool that bursts though..and how hard his friends LOL.

  8. Haha xD and I will enjoy summer deffenetly :]

  9. I cant wait for summer to really begin.The weather in Scotland is still pretty poor atm:(

  10. Hahahaha this is hilarious, I remember watching this not long ago.

  11. Freezing vodka requires significantly colder temperatures than your average freezer is set to I believe.

  12. It does, may be a good idea to cut it with water, on 4 to 1 maybe, but still on a drink that takes 5 or 6 of these cubes, that'd be enough to make it alcoholic!

  13. hahah love the video :D what idiots! dudta
