Friday, April 1, 2011

But I might need it later

If you're a gamer, you might have already recognized the title and what it is.
I find no easier way to describe it but to say it is a syndrome, a psychological block that occurs when you have something expendable of great value and power, where you never think it's the right time to use it, you might be wasting it 'cos you'd need it later and not have it.
Some examples could be a very powerful potion that grants some sort of immunity, or a very special weapon that only works for a limited amount of hits. A good example off the top of my head is the Master Ball in the Pokémon games, a ball that will capture any creature thrown at (I hope I'm right about this or I'll have a horde of pokémon fans after me), there's only one of these in the whole game.
Then you save the thing and save it enough that you beat the game and the Super Immunity Potion is still in your inventory untouched.

"But I might find an even better pokaman later!!" 

But I find it transcends the gaming universe into real life, sometimes, don't you?
Have you ever gotten a flask of perfume for Christmas only to have it sitting there on top of your drawers for ever, because you're thinking "I'll use that for special occasions", but you never do?
Waiting for the King of Belgium to pay a visit.

A bottle of really good wine that you're hoping to share with someone really special only to see it gather dust.

That free photo paper sample that you got when you purchased the last batch of printer paper... I'll print some nice photos with this! but I only got 2 sheets, I better wait for a REALLY good photo!

Well maybe that's just me and liking being prepared for eventualities. Some other people probably enjoy their game items, perfume and photo paper more readily.

Which one is you?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have a horrible problem with this in games, items that aren't readily available to be replaced sit in my inventory and collect dust. As for other situations, in real life I don't really end up with the same situations, really.

  3. I do this constantly. The worst is when my inventory gets full because I'm hoarding all of the things I might need later.

  4. I actually do this ALOT, it's especially bad in RPG games. However, I have slowly started to recognize it and try and not.

  5. I do this all the time, the last month or so I've been trying to get out of the habit of hoarding, if I'm unsure I want it I'll just throw it out.

    Good post mate

  6. Haha, I have to say this syndrome affects me daily. I always have something in my possession that I won't use in case I need it later. It never gets used.

  7. I'm truly inspired by your blog! Great to read once again. Keep this up!

    - Pappa Püllï

  8. Very true. I'm a hoarder. :X

    pack ratdom for the win

  9. yeah i hate it when that happens.

  10. Como é bacano? Tens um blog porreiro vou começar a segui-lo.

  11. This is a really interesting thought. Maybe I should just go enjoy life and stop always waiting for a better moment.

    Thanks for the revelation! I'll be following

  12. I like hanging onto electronics you never know when you'll need that.. eh.. floppy drive?

  13. I do the same thing. I'm getting better though when I re-play through a game.

  14. @Chris: you wouldn't believe the amount of old hardware around my room. I got Pentium 2's, old Celerons, hard drives with bad sectors "some day I'll try to recover"... the lot.

  15. i can so relate to this "problem".

  16. yeah i found myself in these positions a couple of times

  17. I still gave a master ball from pokemon silver...

  18. This is oddly familiar, I do this in pretty much every game I've played so far. The masterball example is spot on

  19. the stuff you save in real life is very true as well. still have a bottle of whiskey i've not drank sat in front of me. because it's not been an awesome enough day to have it.

    also game inventory's for me are clogged with useless gear as well...what if i need it on a quest :(

  20. So truey true. I still have so many items in my home which I keep thinking I will use on so and so occasion but since I have shifted to a new apartment I think I will finally get down to giving them away if they are in a fit state to be given away in otherwise they go down the rubbish chute (or the recycling bin)
